Professional Proofreading, Editing, and Copywriting


Have you ever read and re-read your work looking for errors, only to have someone else point out a glaring typo?

While you may run a few editing passes on your work, you shouldn’t be the last set of eyes on your own writing. You need a fresh set of eyes that have not become blind to your work. Called inattentional blindness, it’s when your brain filters out what you expect to see by filling in the gaps. Instead of seeing what is actually there, your brain shows you what it thinks should be there. This is how we miss punctuation, double words, and missing words in our own work.

I can help you avoid the problems that your subconscious causes. I review work with a fresh set of eyes for typos and formatting errors making sure that your hard work looks professional and is not discredited due to a few typos.

No matter what it is—a website, article, blog, PowerPoint, short story, or a book—it needs to be professional and perfect. Let me be your final pair of eyes and make sure your work is as compelling as your message or story!



If you have been through the editing process and need a final read through to catch misspelled words, punctuation errors, repeated words, and incorrect words before you publish, then you are ready for a proofreader.



If you haven’t made an editing pass, or you think you need an editor to improve the style and flow, clarify ambiguity, and give you overall feedback about your writing, then you need an editor – not a proofreader.


Why not do both at the same time? Because they are different jobs requiring different skills that should not be done at the same time. What's the difference? Check out my FAQ's for more information.




Not sure where to start in crafting your message or story? Or maybe you simply don't have time? I'll give you the personal attention it takes to help hone your unique brand's voice, work with you and/or your team to get valuable insight, and ultimately speak to your target audiences with finesse, channel-appropriate language, and strategic insight. Whether you are looking for help writing your training manual, policies and procedures, crafting that "love story" for your new real estate listing, or creating website content from scratch, I've got you covered.


Partnering with One Last Read was the best decision ever! As a copywriter, editor and content creator, Brandy Scott is my number one choice.
— J. Shuffler

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